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Technology you can Trust

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Celebrating 60 years of helping our customers solve problems and integrate solutions improving  Quality Control, Research and Manufacturing Processes.


Corporate Offices & Showroom - Cicero, NY USA

SW Office & Showroom - Houston, TX USA

SE Office & Showroom - Port St John, FL USA


Welcome to Brook-Anco Corporation, your trusted partner for manufacturing, research, and development needs. With over 60 years of experience, we offer top-of-the-line products from authorized dealers like Nikon, Mitutoyo, and Sensofar, as well as other leading brands. Our showrooms and offices in Cicero, NY, Austin, TX, and Port St John, FL are ready to assist you with all your manufacturing, research, and quality control needs.

Brook Anco Corporation can provide microscope calibration certifications under accreditation AClass/A2LA ISO 17025 through MicroscOptics Inc.

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